Pickleball is a paddle sport, similar to doubles tennis.  It’s played on a smaller court, 44 by 20 feet. Players hit a perforated plastic ball over a three-foot high net.  It's easy for beginners to get started and have fun right away.  Experienced players enjoy a fast-paced, competitive game.  

Oddball Pickleball started as a group of players who had graduated from Pickleball 101 and Monitored Play. With the addition of friends and neighbors, the group has grown dramatically. We try to organize full group play once a week. Everyone plays 5 games with different partners and opponents. Wherever possible players have a chance to play with someone at a slightly higher level so that they can work on improving their game. Game schedules and match-ups are organized using our private group on NextDoor. Anyone who would like to join the group can contact us through NextDoor.

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Please use the following code to receive a 5% discount on your purchases at Pickleball Central (paddles, clothing, shoes and accessories):    CRODDBALL  

© Lisa Miner 2020